Flare Street Blog
19th century inspo
Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser kleinen Reise in die Wohnräume der Vergangenheit, wo Mode und Architektur in perfekter Harmonie miteinander tanzen.Schlagwörter: 1960s fashion, 1970s, 1970sarchitecture, 19th century inspo, 60s, 70s, 70s design, 70s music, bellbottoms, design, mcm, sunken couches, sunken living rooms, vintage fashion
Anfang des Jahres fielen uns Nolans wunderschöne Kunstwerke als Kulisse für eine Anna-Sui-Laufstegshow ins Auge. Wir verliebten uns und posteten die wundervollen Farben und Motive tagelang in unserer Instagram-Story ... Wir gingen nicht mehr aus dem Kopf und so stöberten wir durch Nolans Instagram-Seite und verliebten uns in seine zart von Hand gezeichneten Stücke und Die Fähigkeit, auf Inspirationen aus den 1960er Jahren zurückzugreifen und daraus eine ganz neue Welt zu erschaffen!
Wir konnten es kaum erwarten, unsere eigene Flare Street exklusiv von ihm zu haben! Als wir uns über die wichtigsten Einflüsse der 60er Jahre, Kunststile und die beliebtesten Vintage-Stoffe unterhielten, die wir lieben, dauerte es nicht lange, bis die Magie entstand!
Nachfolgend finden Sie unser neuestes Interview mit Nolan, in dem wir über seine Einflüsse, Inspirationen, Dinge, die er liebt, sowie einige unserer Lieblingsbilder von ihm sprechen …
Was ist dein Lieblingsmusikgenre?
C-86 und anderer klirrender Gitarrenpop. Ich liebe alle britischen 80er-Jahre-Bands aus dieser Zeit (Orange Juice, The Pastels, The Brilliant Corners) und höre auch viel neuseeländischen und australischen Pop aus den 80er und 90er Jahren (Flying Nun Records, The Cannanes, The Church). Australien hat diese Flamme großartig getragen, und viele meiner modernen Lieblingsbands sind Australier: Tam Vantage, The Stevens, Chook Race und eine lange Liste anderer.
Woher hast du die Inspiration für diesen Druck genommen?
Ich sammle viele Inspirationsbilder aus Auktionsangeboten, Antiquitätenkatalogen und antiken Textilien. Dieser Druck für Flare Street basiert auf einem Buntglasfenster aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Ich liebe es, alte Elemente zu nehmen und ihnen neues Leben einzuhauchen.
Wie sieht Ihr Alltag als Künstler aus?
Ich stöbere gerne in meiner Bücherbibliothek und lasse mich online von verschiedenen Auktionsseiten und archive.org inspirieren. Normalerweise beginne ich mit einem älteren Kunstwerk als Inspiration und beginne mit dem Zeichnen, während ich gleichzeitig verfeinere und Designs, Muster und andere Elemente hinzufüge, bis das ursprüngliche Ausgangsmaterial nicht mehr wiederzuerkennen ist. Sobald das Grundlayout fertig ist, gehe ich hinein und füge Details hinzu, dann mehr Details und dann noch mehr Details, bis das gesamte Bild voller Muster und Farben vibriert.
Was ist Ihr Lieblingsstil – sowohl persönlich als auch künstlerisch?
Ich liebe das, was ich „Psychedelic Victorian“ nenne – Kunst und Design aus den 50er, 60er und 70er Jahren, das sich von viktorianischen Designs inspirieren lässt, es aber mit leuchtenden Farben und einem klaren Design modernisiert. Meine Frau und ich leben in einem viktorianischen Reihenhaus, das mit flauschigen Teppichen, Pflanzen, Spaghettilampen und antiken Büchern bedeckt ist. Mein persönlicher Stil besteht aus vielen Mustern, Gold-, Senf- und Orangetönen – Cordjacken und Vintage-Westernkleidung.
Wenn Sie Ihren ersten Eindruck von unseren Fackeln in einem Wort beschreiben könnten, welches wäre das?
Weitere Arbeiten von Nolan finden Sie hier auf seiner Website Und Instagram hier !
Und falls Sie sie sich noch nicht angesehen haben: Die Designs unserer Chiara Flares von Nolan finden Sie hier in unserer neuesten Version von Tuscan Dreams .
- 1920
- 1920's style pants
- 1960 flares
- 1960's pants
- 1960s
- 1960s fashion
- 1960s london
- 1960s style melbourne
- 1967 london
- 1969
- 1970s
- 1970s style
- 1970sarchitecture
- 19th century inspo
- 2xl flares
- 30% off sale
- 3xl flares
- 60's
- 60's pants
- 60s
- 60s austalian music
- 60s fashion
- 60s flare
- 60s leopard
- 60s style
- 69
- 69b boutique london
- 70's
- 70's orange bell bottoms
- 70's paisley
- 70's polaroid camera
- 70s
- 70s bell bottoms
- 70s design
- 70s disco flare street
- 70s fashion
- 70s flares
- 70s jumpsuit
- 70s music
- 70s patchwork
- 70s style
- 80s
- a hard days night
- abbie lou fowler
- after pay
- afterpay
- afterpay australia
- afterpay australia flares
- afterpay canada
- afterpay it bellbottoms
- afterpay it flares
- afterpay nz
- afterpay uk
- afterpay usa
- album 1969
- album art
- album of the week
- all in one
- animal print
- animal print flares
- anita pallenberg
- anita rolling stones
- Anon Magazine
- antique
- apple boutique
- aquarium vintage
- aquarium vintage flare street
- aurelia flares
- aus bell bottoms
- aus made flares
- australia
- australia bell bottoms
- australian made
- australian made clothing
- australian made flares
- australian manufacturing
- australian music
- azura
- babes who inspire us
- bali
- bali bell bottoms
- bali flare street
- bambu indah
- bambu indah bali
- bambu indah ubud
- Barbara Hulanicki
- barbara hulanicki flare street
- barbarella
- barbarella flare street
- barbarelle
- beatles
- bebe buell
- bell bottom lovers
- bell bottom pants
- bell bottoms
- bell bottoms california
- bell bottoms florida
- bell bottoms melbourne
- bell bottoms new york
- bell bottoms studio 54
- bell bottoms sydney
- bell bottoms uk
- bell bottoms USA
- bell bottoms velvet
- bell pants
- bellbottom pants
- bellbottoms
- bellbottomslondon
- bells
- bells california
- bells melbourne
- bendigo art gallery
- best album art 1969
- best albums 1969
- bianca jagger
- biba
- biba boutique
- Biba boutique London
- biba clothing
- biba cosmetics
- biba flare street
- Biba interior design
- Biba London Boutique
- Biba shop girls
- biba style
- biba style pants
- biba velvet wide leg pants
- biba vintage
- big biba
- Big Biba Flare Street
- Big Biba interior design
- Big City Lights
- big sur
- big sur californina
- big sur fashion shoot
- big sur flare street
- big sur forest redwoods fashion
- big sur redwoods
- billboard
- birthday sale
- black flares
- black friday
- black friday sales
- black velvet flares
- blow up film
- bohemian
- bohemican fashion
- boho
- boho cuddle puddle
- boutiques of the 60s
- bowie
- Boyd Sisters
- brick lane
- brick lane bell bottoms
- brick lane flares
- brick lane london
- brick lane shoreditch flare street
- bricklane
- Brighton uk flare street
- Brighton uk flares
- britt ekland
- brunswick east flare street
- burnt rust
- Byron Bay
- byron bay flares
- Byron Bay Photoshoot
- cake magazine
- cake magazine bell bottoms
- cake magazine flares
- california
- california bell bottoms
- california flares
- california road trip
- catsuit
- catsuits
- celestial
- celestial bell bottoms
- celestial flares
- charlie watts
- chic flare street
- classic velvet flares
- cobber mag
- collaboration
- collingwood flare Street
- copper
- copper velvet
- copper velvet flares
- cosmic velvet
- cosmic velvet collection
- curve
- curve new size flare street
- curve velvet bell bottoms
- curve velvet flares
- dani dazey la
- david bowie
- david bowie fashion
- david bowie The Labyrinth
- dazey la
- dazey la flare street
- des barres
- design
- designaspace
- devyn crimson
- dhana dreams
- disco
- disco outfit
- donna summer
- donyale luna
- donyale luna brian jones
- donyale luna rolling stones
- doof
- electric light orchestra
- elton
- elton john
- embroidered flares
- england bell bottoms
- erika mugglin photography
- ethical clothing
- ethical fashion
- face mask
- faerydae
- fash rev
- fashion
- fashion and textile museum
- fashion inspiration
- fashion inspo
- fashion Melbourne made
- fashion palette
- fashion recycling
- fashion revolution
- fashion revolution week
- fashion textile museum biba
- fashion week
- fashion week 2020
- fashion week sydney
- fask mask made in melbourne
- festival outfit
- film club
- fishy dress
- flare
- flare lovers
- flare lovers USA
- flare pants
- flare pants beatles
- flare pants england
- flare pants ethical
- flare pants london
- flare pants melbourne
- flare pants velvet
- flare street
- flare street 11
- flare street 2013
- flare street barbara hulanicki
- flare street bell bottoms
- flare street england
- flare street face mask
- flare street film club
- flare street flares
- flare street flares free people
- flare street fleetwood mac
- flare street glitter
- flare street I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet
- flare street jewellery
- flare street juniper flares
- flare street london
- flare street los angeles
- flare street mary quant
- flare street melbounr
- flare street new york fashion week
- flare street one piece
- flare street paisley
- flare street party
- flare street pattie boyd
- flare street playlist
- flare street sale
- flare street sale bell bottoms
- flare street studio
- flare street sustainability
- flare street uk
- flare street United Kingdom
- flare street victorian era
- flare street vintage garage
- flarelovers
- flarepants
- flares
- flares and bell bottoms
- flares australia
- flares california
- flares london
- flares melbourne
- flares new york
- flares sequin
- flares studio 54
- flares sydney
- flarestreet
- flarestreet catsuit
- flarestreet studio
- flarestreet video
- fleetwood mac
- Fleetwood Mac flares
- floral artwork
- flower art
- flower power
- footsray cotton mills
- footwear
- forever changes
- fred slatten
- free people
- free people bell bottoms
- free people flare street
- galaxygoldsparkleflares
- galaxysilversparkleflares
- gents of style
- george
- George Haité
- George Haité flare street art
- George Haité paisley
- George Haité paisley design
- George Haité v and a
- George Haité victoria albert museum
- George Haité victorian eara
- george harrison
- george harrison fashion
- george harrison style
- get back sessions
- girl gang
- girls to the front
- giveaway
- giveaway flare street
- glam rock
- goddess
- gold
- gold flares
- gold velvet
- gold velvet bell bottoms
- gold velvet flares
- golden bazaar
- golden velvet flares
- granny takes a trip
- groupie
- gto's
- hackney 69b boutique
- hackney flare street
- hackney flares
- haltertop
- Hamilton Island
- hand drawn design
- handmade
- haus of song
- hendrix nights
- high heels
- hulanicki
- I Was Lord Kitchener
- I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet
- I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet 1960s
- i'm with the band
- idyllwild
- illustration
- iluka music
- Iluka music style
- inspiration
- jam vintage
- jane birkin
- jane birkin flares
- jane fonda
- Jane Winkworth
- jeff beck
- Jennifer Juniper
- jenny boyd
- jimi hendrix
- jimi hendrix bell bottoms
- jimi hendrix flare pants
- jimi hendrix flares
- jimi hendrix woodstock outfit
- jimmy page
- jimmy page pants
- John Alcorn
- john lennon
- joshua tree
- joshua tree photoshoot
- jumpsuit
- juniper bell bottoms
- juniper flares
- kiss
- kye
- kye flare street
- lace flares
- lareyna
- large bell bottoms
- large size flares
- large sizing
- launch party
- leather and lattes blog
- led zeppelin
- leo flares
- leopard
- leopard print
- leopardprint
- leopardprint flare street
- leopardprint flarees
- leopardprint flares
- leopardprint velvet
- liberace biba
- linda mccartney
- linda mccartney ballarat
- Linda McCartney Foto Biennale Retrospective Exhibition
- london
- london bell bottoms
- london england flare street
- london fashion 60's
- london fashion stores 1960
- london fashion week
- london fashion week 2020 flare street
- london fashion week flare street bellbottoms
- london flare
- london flare street
- london flares
- london sustainable fashion
- londonfashionweek
- lonerism
- lovadelic flares
- lovadelic rainbow flares
- love
- love potion
- love potions
- love the band
- lovers
- made in australia
- made in melbourne
- magenta pink velvet flare pants
- marianne faithfull
- marlon williams
- marlon williams flare street
- marlon williams melbourne
- marvin gaye
- mary quant
- mary quant bendigo
- mary quant v&a museum
- mcm
- melbourne
- melbourne 1st december
- melbourne artists
- melbourne bell bottoms
- melbourne black friday
- melbourne collab
- melbourne disco
- melbourne espy hotel
- melbourne fashion
- melbourne fashion week
- melbourne flare pants
- melbourne flare street
- melbourne flares
- melbourne gigs
- melbourne made
- Melbourne made clothing
- Melbourne made fashion
- melbourne pop up shop
- melbourneflares
- mens fashion
- mens flares
- mens style
- metro melbourne
- mick jagger
- mick jagger 70
- middle eastern
- midnight stardust flare pants
- mind flowers
- miss pamela
- moof magazine bell bottoms
- moof magazine flare stret
- moon clothing
- moon face
- moon flares
- moon lady
- muse
- music
- music australia
- music bell bottoms
- music festivals
- music flare street
- music review
- mustard
- mustard flares
- mustard velvet
- mustard velvet flares
- natascha elisa flare street
- natascha elisa flares
- new release
- new york
- new york dolls biba
- new york fashion week
- new zealand afterpay seventies
- new zealand bell bottoms
- new zealand flares
- nicola finetti
- nile rogers
- Nolan Pelletier designs
- norma kamali
- now and then
- nyfw bell bottoms
- nyfw flares
- nz bell bottoms
- nz flares
- olive green flare pants
- olive green velvet flares
- one piece
- ossie clark
- ottoline flares
- out of the blue
- paisley bell bottoms
- paisley flare pants
- paisley flares
- paisley velvet pants
- pamela des barres
- patchwork pants
- pathwork flares
- pattie boyd
- pattie boyd 60s
- pattie boyd 60s fashion
- Pattie Boyd auction
- pattie boyd bell bottoms
- pattie boyd fashion
- pattie boyd flare street
- pattie boyd flares
- pattie boyd george harrison flare street
- pattie boyd style
- paul mccartney
- performance
- performance film
- photoshoot
- platform shoes
- platforms
- playlists
- plum wine flares
- plum wine velvet bell bottoms
- plus size
- plus size australia fashion
- podcast
- podcast flare street
- polaroid
- polaroid camera
- polaroid film
- pop up shop
- pop up shop fitzroy
- pop up shop flare street
- pop up shop flarestreet
- pop up shop melbourne
- pop up shop northcote
- pre order
- pre-order
- psychedelia
- psychedelic music
- psychedelic rock
- psychedlic
- pucci
- queen
- queen biba
- rainbow flares
- rainbow room
- rainbow room biba
- rainbow room big biba
- rainbow serpent
- rarasuperstar
- recycled and sustainable made in Australia pants
- recycled fabric
- recycled fibre
- recycling fashion
- red velvet
- red velvet flares
- retro
- retro face mask
- retro music
- retro styling
- retropolis
- retropolis melbourne
- rhys ripper
- ringo starr
- river magic flare street
- river magick
- road tripping adventures
- rock
- rock and roll
- rock music
- rockandroll
- rocknroll
- rod steward
- Rod Stewart and Bebe Buell
- rod stewart bebe buell
- rod stewart leopard print
- roller disco
- roller skates
- rolling stones
- runway show
- rust flare pants
- sale
- sale flare street
- same day delivery melbourne
- san antonio bell bottoms
- san antonio flares
- santa barbara bell bottoms
- santa barbara flares
- sass and bide
- sequin bell bottoms
- sequin flare pants
- sequin flares
- sequin pants
- sequin velvet flares
- sera of london
- serge gainsbourg
- seventies
- seventies style
- shoes
- shop bell bottoms
- shop flares melbourne
- siobhan o'dwyer
- siobhan o'dwyer art
- sister sledge
- sister sledge flare street
- sixites
- sixties clothing
- sixties outfits
- slow fashion
- sly stone
- stage fashion
- Stevie Nicks
- Stevie nicks bell bottoms
- Stevie nicks flares
- stevie nicks outfits
- stingray records san antonio
- Storm Calysta
- Storm Calysta Bell Bottoms
- Storm Calysta flare pants
- Storm Calysta flare street
- Storm Calysta flares
- Storm Calysta san antonio
- studi0 54
- style
- sunken couches
- sunken living rooms
- supertramp
- surf rock australia
- sustainability flare street
- sustainable bell bottoms
- sustainable clothing
- sustainable clothing melbourne
- sustainable fashion
- sustainable flares
- sustainable pants
- sustainably made clothing
- swinging london
- tame impala
- Terry de havilland
- textile recycling
- the band love
- the beatles
- the beatles now and then
- the beatles outfits
- the fool
- the fool design collective
- The Labyrinth
- The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus
- the wicker man film
- the yardbirds
- thea porter
- Thea porter 1960s
- thebeatles
- todd rundgren
- twiggy biba
- uk flares
- uluwatu photoshoot flare street
- USA flare street customers
- vanessa astride
- velvet
- Velvet Bell Bottoms
- velvet bell bottoms pants
- velvet bellbottoms
- velvet catsuit
- velvet clothing
- velvet flare pants
- velvet flared pants
- velvet flares
- velvet jumpsuit
- velvet sequin bell bottoms
- velvet sequin flares
- venice beach
- venice beach flares
- veruschka
- victoria era
- vintage
- vintage beatles
- vintage biba
- vintage fashion
- vintage garage
- vintage shoes
- vintage wallpaper
- vintagegarage
- vintageglamourmama
- wallpaper
- wide leg bell bottoms
- wide leg flares
- wide leg velvet bell bottoms
- wild and free corina
- wild and free jewelry
- wild pony
- wonderwall
- wonderwall 1968
- wonderwall film
- wonderwall george harrison
- woodstock
- woodstock bell bottoms
- woodstock flare street
- woodstock flares
- woodstock jimi hendrix
- woodstock outfit
- woodstock outfits
- woodstock1969
- xxl bell bottoms
- xxl flares
- yellow submarine bell bottoms
- yoko ono
- zandra rhodes
- zandra rhodes 50 years of fabulous
- zandra rhodes 60s
- zandra rhodes 70s
- zandra rhodes flare street
- zandra rhodes flares
- zhandra rhodes biba
- Ziggy stardust
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